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Who are we and what do we hope to accomplish?

Our free, downloadable advocacy guide is designed to help you and your loved one understand your rights, and help you advocate effectively for the best possible care for your loved ones in the Department of Developmental Services system.

Avocacy Guide
COFAR is actively engaged in working for better public policy for the families we serve.  Below you’ll see some of the bills we are supporting this legislative session, which runs from 2021-2022.  Select bill numbers to learn more:
Where to Support

Additional Resources:


Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS)

            Mass. DDS office locations

Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC)

Massachusetts Legislature

Office of the Attorney General Civil Rights Division

Mass. Rehabilitation commission

Mass. Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) - Special Education (SPED)



Social Security Administration

Social Security (Mass. Locations)




American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

National VOR


Caring for the care giver: 

Caring for others is hard work.  This is your gentle reminder that “you cannot pour from an empty cup” and therefore self-care is not selfish.  In fact, it is generous. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even recognize caregiver burnout as a concern and offers some guidance and resources here.

Additional Resources
Additional Resources

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